Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site in Beijing

The Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site is located 50 kilometers southwest of Beijing Dragon Bone Hill town house Zhoukou, it's northwest mountains. Mountainous winding, southeast boundless blue sky. Fertile soil thousands of miles. Zhoukou River valley from the right side of it pouring out, meandering south, into the Liulihe in.
Dragon Bone Hill is a stone from the Ordovician rocks form of carbon, which more than 70 meters above the river Zhoukou, since from 1918, in which around 20 million square meters of fossils found within the site. Cultural heritage 23 . According to scientists estimated that about 50-60 million years ago, the human ancestor "Peking Man" lived in the keel on the north slope of a large cave, they lived here about 30 years off.

December 2, 1929, Beijing University of Pei Wenzhong unearthed a complete skull, since it has conducted several large-scale excavation, 26,000 cubic meters of excavated deposits were cleared more than 40 men and women, "Beijing people "bones, more than 10 million pieces of stone, a large number of animal fossils. The most exciting was the discovery of several layers of ash layer, which charcoal fragments and burnt bone fragments, which fully prove that the "Peking Man" will have to use fire, which is a significant history of human development and progress.

It is worth mentioning that the "Peking Man" skull lost in the Anti-Japanese War, is still missing, still a puzzled the secretary.

December 1987, the Zhoukoudian listed world heritage of mankind, it has become the world's ancient human remains found in the most abundant cultural relics.

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