Tuesday, April 20, 2010

West Lake in Hangzhou

Dear friends, we all know to go to West Lake in Hangzhou, West Lake In fact, there are three sisters, collectively known as "Hangzhou West", then the three sisters do the first one is the West Lake, West Lake is a natural and graceful palace women, Xixi is are natural to the carving of the Sha woman, there is still Xiling is JobHunting talented woman, came to Hangzhou, we have to go to the palace women, is also going to take a look at Wun Sha woman, as the talented woman's apartment, waiting for her throw out the Hydrangea when we can go to check out, so we do now on the "West Lake, Xixi go does not end there." To see the natural to the carving, full of this wild and natural beauty of the Sha woman - a kind of back to nature to enjoy the rural beauty of the wilderness


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