Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Tiananmen Square in Beijing

The Tiananmen Square in Beijing's north-south axis, is the city center square. Place the northern half of 500 meters from east to west, the southern half of 370 meters from east to west, north to south and 865 meters, with a total area of about 4 hectares, the city square in the world the most.
There side of the north side of the center square flag flying high. Daily morning twilight hours, the guards are marching in step, in the eyes of the audience, moving to the foot of the flag pole, to lift the flag ceremony.

The central square stands the People's Heroes Monument, Monument south of the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, east side of the square is the Museum of Chinese Revolution and the Museum of Chinese History, the west is the Great Hall. Square, stands towering the northern end of Tiananmen Gate, the tower were on both sides of Zhongshan Park and the Cultural Palace of working people. Square south, there are corresponding with the Tiananmen Gate is Zhengyangmen remote tower. These beautiful buildings, their own characteristics, distribution and orderly, seamless, to Tiananmen Square, more magnificent.

Tiananmen Square is the people's square, also held an important place for major state events.

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