Sunday, April 18, 2010

The traditional Chinese Medicine

The traditional chinese medicine refers to traditional Chinese medicine, is to study human physiology, pathology, and disease diagnosis and control of such a discipline. It carries the ancient Chinese people's fight with the disease experience and theoretical knowledge in the ancient plain materialist dialectics, and spontaneous thought, through long-term medical practice and gradually developed into a theoretical system of medicine. The research method, similar to the overall concept as the guiding concept to organs and meridians of the physiological and pathological basis, diagnosis and treatment based on syndrome differentiation, with simple system theory, control theory, fractal theory and information theory content.
  Generally refers to the Han Chinese working people of Chinese traditional medicine, mainly created by the medical, so also known as Chinese Medicine. Other traditional Chinese medicine, such as Tibetan, Mongolian, Miao, etc. are known as National Medical Hospital.
   The Chinese medicine base on yin and yang theoretical, the human body as a gas, form, unity of God, by looking, smelling, questioning, combination of all methods, and explore the etiology, sex, disease location, analysis of disease machine and the human body internal organs, meridians joints, blood and body fluids change, growth and decline to judge right from wrong, and then come disease name, summarized syndrome to syndrome differentiation principle, to develop "sweat, vomiting, and, warm, clear, complement Consumers "and other therapies, the use of Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage, massage, cupping, qigong, diet and other treatments to achieve the yin and yang and the rehabilitation of the human body. The positive side of Chinese medicine in the hope that can help restore the body's yin and yang balance, and negative side is the hope that when you must use drugs to slow the deterioration of the disease when, but also take into account the quality of life and living. In addition, the ultimate goal of Chinese medicine goes beyond just the treatment, further helping mankind to achieve as in the "Yellow Emperor" in the model proposed by four people, that is real, perfect person, saints, sages of the realm.

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