Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Ancient Observatory in Beijing

The Ancient Observatory is located in the south side of Jianguomen .It is one of the world-famous astronomical monuments, Beijing Planetarium is now the "Beijing Exhibition Hall of Ancient Astronomical Instruments." This ancient observatory, astronomers from the Yuan Wang Xun. Guo Shou was ordered to build, formerly Secretary roof. Ming Zhengtong seven years (in 1442) into an astronomical observation terrace, in the Qing Dynasty, said observatory. Lapse of 700 years of history.

Ancient Observatory is a brick of high profile construction. Table displays a large bronze astronomical instruments, the audience has to Ziwei Hall. Sundial Shadows-based subsidiary buildings. Astronomical observations were a result of Ming and Qing dynasties as a center, so called "Ming observatory." Here the original astronomical instruments such as the armillary sphere in Ming Dynasty. Simple instrument. Celestial globe. Plane sundial. Turntable star sundial. Designate place when the instrument, have been moved and the Nanjing Purple Mountain Observatory, Nanjing Museum. Astronomical instruments are kept here, there Kei Heng Fu Chen instrument. Quadrant. Celestial. Ecliptic theodolite. Horizon by the instrument. Theodolite horizon. JI limited instrument. Equator theodolite and other manufacturers are early Qing.

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