Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Terracotta warriors and horses of Qin ShiHuang

    The Qin Shi Huang Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum is the largest ancient military museum. After opening up by the excavation figurines array sensation in the world. In 1978, former French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac said after the visit: "With the seven wonders of the world, the discovery of terracotta figures, can be said that eight major miracle. Do not look at the pyramids, not to Egypt, not in terracotta figures, not to of China. "Terracotta Warrior known as the world from the eighth wonder."
    Terracotta Warriors Museum, is built on the site of the terracotta warriors pit the site of the museum. Since October 1, 1979 Since its opening, bathed in the spring breeze of reform and opening up, through hard work, and made great achievements, a world-famous ruins of a large museum. Terracotta Army has been called "the eighth wonder of the world", "the archaeological history of the twentieth century's great discoveries." December 1987, UNESCO has Emperor Mausoleum (including the Terracotta Warriors Pit) included in the "World Heritage List." It is not only the Chinese people, but also a precious cultural wealth of all mankind.
   Terracotta Warriors Museum opened two decades since, has received nearly 4,000 million domestic and international audiences. In addition, the Terra Cotta Warriors also went to the world, more than 20 countries and regions more than 60 cities and features nearly 1,000 million total viewers. Warriors with its forceful momentum, rich cultural connotations, for people to enjoy the beauty of knowledge.

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